Bettendorf Mural
REQUEST FOR Qualifications
The Downtown Bettendorf Organization and Quad City Arts are seeking the design and installation of an artwork design for a public mural to be created on an exterior wall in Bettendorf, Iowa. The mural will be on the west-facing brick wall of 312 17th St, Bettendorf, Iowa. The mural will be highly visible and serve as a welcome to downtown Bettendorf as it faces US Hwy 67: a heavy use local corridor and exit from Interstate 74. Muralist should be based within a 250-mile radius of the Quad Cities area (most of Iowa, Illinois, parts of WI and MO).
Measurements: The paintable surface of the West facing wall is approximately: 70’ long and 13’ tall. Every inch of the wall does not need to be painted. Photos are attached at the end of the document.
The mural is intended to welcome visitors to downtown Bettendorf, enhance local quality of life, community pride, beautification and creative placemaking, as well as increase the public’s awareness of visual arts.
This mural project is jointly undertaken by the Downtown Bettendorf Organization (DBO) and Quad City Arts (QCA).
$15,000 — 50% to be paid upon contract execution and 50% within 2 weeks of completion of the mural. This fee includes all associated costs of creation (i.e., materials, paint, transportation, etc.).
Please note, up to ten days of lodging and a scissor or articulating lift will be provided, upon request.
Proposals shall be submitted no later than Friday, March 7, 2025 at 5:00pm through the form below.
- This mural will be an energetic start to Bettendorf’s slate of public art projects and should be vibrant and exciting.
- This mural will welcome visitors and locals to downtown Bettendorf.
- This mural will create a must-see destination in Bettendorf and the greater Quad Cities.
- This mural will provide an opportunity for our community to experience art.
- This mural should serve as a welcome sign to the heart of Bettendorf but does not need to be a welcome sign. Focus should be on the imagery, not text.
- This mural should not include any reference to the Bettendorf brothers.
- This mural should not include a framing element.
- Artists must have large scale mural experience, with sufficient knowledge of both medium and materials to ensure durability of the mural.
- Upon selection, Artist shall procure or otherwise provide proof of commercial general liability ($1,000,000 per occurrence), property damage ($1,000,000 per occurrence), bodily injury ($1,000,000 per occurrence) and automobile liability ($500,000 combined single limit), naming the DBO, together with its officers, agents, employees and engineers as additional primary insureds prior to commencing mural installation and shall maintain such insurance until completion of the mural.
- The selected Artist must be willing to work with QCA and DBO to modify the design or materials based on design input and building specifications.
- Artists will comply with all federal and state laws, county and municipal codes, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the services to be provided.
- A qualifying Artist shall have the ability to obtain all necessary licenses, permits and approvals, whenever applicable.
- Questions shall be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than February 28, 2025, clearly labeled "Bettendorf Mural Project"
- Deadline for proposals: Friday, March 7, 2025 at 5:00pm
- March 2025: RFQ review, finalists selected
- April/May 2025: Interviews (if needed) with finalists
- May 2025: Final designs submitted and selected. Selected artist to meet with mural selection committee to go over sketch, information from the client, timeline, and budget.
- June 2025: mural completed, subject to weather*
- *This timeline will be agreed upon with the building owner and the artist, and weather pending.
- Targeted completion deadline of July 1.
- Please submit the following information on the form below:
- Name, phone number, email, and 2 references with contact info
- Website, Instagram, or other online profiles, if applicable.
- 3 samples of work, including your most recently completed mural.
- A brief bio about you as an artist and your process.
- Award determination shall be based on selection committee's determination of design aesthetics, proposed use of the wall space, availability and ability to deliver mural on time, and Artist's experience with similar scale projects.
- Following the proposal deadline, the selection committee will collaboratively review, analyze and rank all submittals based on the evaluative criteria set forth herein. Three to five finalists will be selected to submit RFPs, with a $500 stipend. The selection committee may invite finalists to interview prior to selection. Upon selection, the selected Artist will be required to enter a contract with Quad City Arts.
- The selection committee reserves the right to request additional information from the proposers. Such information will be limited to clarification or amplification of the information requested in the original proposal. The selection committee may take all actions deemed necessary to investigate the qualifications of each proposer. The selection committee reserves the right to qualify or disqualify proposers because of lack of similar project experience and/or any other information obtained from its investigation.
- The selection committee reserves the right to reject all proposals. The selection committee reserves the right to waive technical defects in the proposals and to accept the proposal which, in the judgment of the selection committee, best serves the project goals.