Rock Island Gallery Art in Lockdown Oct 2021

Mark Nelson, AOLD149, Insurrection

Nancy Purington, AOLD163, 2020 The Painting

Cat Byrd, AOLD115, Heart of Isolation

David Smith, AOLD120, New Normal

Debra Beyerlein, AOLD121, 31 Days

Ellen Henkels, AOLD123, Help is on the Way

Kelly Schnell, AOLD138, Pantry Inventory

Kim Gibson, AOLD142. Moment of Fallback During Covid Crisis

Marcia Whitmore, AOLD148, Fuschia Orchid

Michael Ryan, AOLD155, Sacred Ground

David Smith, AOLD119, Pandemic

Jae Florence Corales, AOLD129, The Dragon Awakens

Karen Stewart-Casper, AOLD133, The Tangled Woods

Sharon Beckman, AOLD174, Marshalltown

William Wohlford, AOLD179, Gesundheit

Brent Tubbs, AOLD111, A Splash of Color

Elaine Rexdale, AOLD122, Kaffee Klatch

Kevin Smith, AOLD140, Optimism

Nadine D'Angelo, AOLD160, Eye of the Owl

Kevin Smith, AOLD141, Realization

Linda Andrews, AOLD145, Ode to Judith Jamison

Sarah Peak Convery, AOLD172, Pandemic Prayer Flags

Annabelle Sigmond, AOLD105, Micro Mold

Karen Stewart-Casper, AOLD134, Winter Woods

Lisa Stisser, AOLD147, Untitled (Self-Quarantine)

Hayden Minor, AOLD127, Untitled

Nancy Dopler, AOLD161, Misty Pines

Pauline Swanson, AOLD168, In the Pink

Rick Johnson-Hernandez, AOLD169, And Then?